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From Above

Koghan Yoga Center


David Martin

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Dave as a boy in India


I fell in love with all aspects of yoga as a boy. My father worked for Tata steel in India and would occasionally take our family over to India for his work. I enjoyed the stories of the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad-Gita, the colorful festivals, temples, and used yoga postures whenever I got injured. In 1976, when I was teaching gymnastics at Ohio University, I asked the head of the department if we could bring in an experienced yoga teacher. He told me the best way to learn a subject is to teach and, surprise, I was a yoga instructor.

After a few school terms I built up to full classes teaching 25 students per night five nights a week

from 1976 until 1982. About a year after I started teaching, I was approached by Dr. Maung Gyi, whose father was the famous U Ba Than Gyi in Burma at the end of World War II. We knew each other well and he asked me three questions

Will you:

1. Dedicate yourself to in to master the 33 main consecutive postures in the Hanthawaddy Yoga system complete with the Koghan system of zones.

2. Complete a book.

3. Share these systems so they would not get lost to the future generations.

I said yes and learned them all the way through.


Life has its twists and turns, in 1982 I started a rafting company “Upper Yough Expeditions” and got caught up in things that distracted me from my goal.


For this last chapter of my life, I am dedicating it to fulfilling the promise I have made to Dr. Maung Gyi. I everything in the U.S.A. and created the Koghan Yoga Center in Manzanillo, Costa Rica to teach Hanthawaddy Yoga with the Koghan system of zones.


Embrace change, flow with grace, and find balance in every moment. Centered in truth, rooted in peace.

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